As I have watched the video clip called “Greed” I believe that
what I have thought before of greed is different. Greed means you want more
than you deserved. For example, some leaders in some countries have built such
a huge mansion even though they have no one to live in. in other monarchy
county such as England, they have a king and queen that have ruled the country
for centuries so some people concluded that they were greedy to take
advantages on other people. However, what about the business like Bill Gates,
the owner of the Microsoft Company that has made million dollars every year or
even the AFL CEO, I have thought that they were greedy too. As a result, after
the clip that I concluded that while doing business, greedy could lead to
motivation. For instance, Microsoft has made millions of dollar by selling us the
computer software and other high tech productions which help our life much
easier. They haven’t forced us to buy it instead they use marketing strategies to
convince us about their products. Business and society has to go together,
business help the society function properly and life runs smoothly while society
provides the material or money to help business in control. In conclusion, I
strongly agree with the idea in the video that business might not consider as
greed because they help improved our lived and the world.
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